Amid the humid mists of the countryside, our Alice in the Pampas of Wonderlands cannot distinguish the difference between her suitor and her horse, bows and soybeans, reality and fantasy.

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Last Malambo in Paris
A gaucho punk love affair 

Inspired by the early depictions of Buenos Aires by the 19th-century

Photography: Ash Moros
Styling: Joaquin Diaz
Hair Stylist: Vincent Zimberlin
Make-up Artist: Mantis Leprete Production: Esquina
Talent: Natalie Vishnevskaya & Roberto Sierra
Photo Assistant: Rosa Monserrat Styling Assistant: Cora Evangelica Post-Production: Lindo Estudio

Special thanks to:
Arandu Talabarteria, Paul NicolinoFrench artist Jean León Pallière

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